Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Storify: Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

At first, I wasn’t sure how I was going to choose an event to write about on Storify.  I didn’t know if I should browse Twitter to see what people are talking about, or to find an event and then see what people are saying.  I ended up seeing something that many of my Facebook friends were buzzing about last night, and decided to make that my story: The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

Although the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show may seem trivial, it was an event that provoked tons of public response, so I thought it would be worth writing about.  It may or may not be a good thing that these types of shows gain so much public attention, but the fact is that they do, so it is worth examining.

When creating my story, I initially wanted to show varying opinions about the show.  Since the show delivers a controversial message about body image, I thought that some people may have posted about their disapproval. I was not able to find, however, a single negative comment about the show. In fact, the only negative words people used were to describe themselves in comparison to the “perfect” specimens they viewed on TV.

Since I did view a lot of women obsessing about their body image, I decided to write about how the fashion show should be aware of the potential implications of the message they are sending. I think that the show is really entertaining to watch, but I could not even watch it without feeling slightly guilty about supporting it.

View my story here: VS Fashion Show 2011

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your Storify about the VS fashion show, as well as your blog post about your experience working on Storify.

    I almost chose to do my Storify about the Victoria Secret Fashion show, but felt it was unethical as I actually am an associate of Victoria Secret.

    During the show I was also browsing my own Facebook and Twitter feeds, and I too noticed the tremendous volume of posts related to the show, all of which were positive.

    I think this was a great topic to choose for your Storify in terms of the amount of conversation it provoked, giving you lots to work with and contributing to a great story!
